01/W Global Mode

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rev: 02Sep22

Global Mode Pages - Overview

Global Mode Pages
0 Global 5 Card Load
1 Drum Kit A1/B1 6 Card Save
2 Drum Kit A2/B2 7 Pre-Load
3 Scale 8 Data Dump
4 Protect 9 -
Global settings (except LCD contrast and memory protect status) are kept in Bank A.

Page 1 : Drum Kit A1/B1 Page 2 : Drum Kit A2/B2
Index Drum Sound # Keyboard Key Tuning Level Decay Pan Exclusive Group
To access Kit A1 or A2, select Bank A while in PROG Mode (before entering Global Mode).
To access Kit B1 or B2, select Bank B while in PROG Mode (before entering Global Mode).

(For details on each of the parameters, see pages 51-58 in the Percussion Manual.)

Page 3 : Scale
Scale Type Key
Scale Type
Values Default Power Off Reset
Equal Temperament 
Equal Temperament 2 
Pure Major 
Pure Minor 
User Scale
Equal Temperament stored default
Select the temperament you want. You will normally use "Equal Temperament".

"Equal Temperament 2" adds a small amount of random detuning to each note. This makes a piano sound like it's been sitting too long without being tuned - like that one at church or in your friend's basement.

Values Default Power Off Reset
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B C stored default
This setting works only when you select a Scale Type of Pure Major or Pure Minor.

top of page.

Page 4 : Protect
Damper Switch Polarity: (- or +)
Assignable Pedal 1 : (10 options)
Assignable Pedal 2 : (10 options)
Velocity Curve = (1 - 8) Aftertouch Curve = (1 - 8)
Protect Prog: (OFF/ON) Protect Combi: Protect Seq:
Damper Switch Polarity
Values Default Power Off Reset
- or + - stored default
Press VALUE UP for "-". Press VALUE DOWN for "+".
The Default value is loaded when you "Load Combi/Prog" (Global Mode, Page 7, Line 1).
The Damper Switch is a momentary contact (pushbutton) switch which can be normally open (-) or normally closed (+). Here is where you tell the 01 which kind you have plugged in. If you don't know which type you have, try each setting and keep the one that works. If nothing is plugged in, pick "-".

Assignable Pedal 1
Default: Program Up.
The Default value is loaded when you "Load Combi/Prog" (Global Mode, Page 7, Line 1).
Assignable Pedal 2
Default: Program Down
The Default value is loaded when you "Load Combi/Prog" (Global Mode, Page 7, Line 1).
Values Default Power Off Reset
OFF, Prog Up, Prog Down, Seq Start/Stop, Seq Punch In/Out, Effect On/Off, Volume, VDF Cutoff, Effect Control, Data Entry see
stored default
You can plug two different types of pedals into the Ass. Pedal inputs, switch or pot. The type of pedal you use determines which options you can choose. (For more details, see pages 127-129 in the Percussion Manual. Three pages of text and diagrams are too much to reproduce here.)

Velocity Curve
Values Default Power Off Reset
1-8 5 stored default
Sets how the speed of the key affects volume or tone. This affects MIDI OUT data, but not MIDI IN. The Default value is loaded when you "Load Combi/Prog" (Global Mode, Page 7, Line 1).

Aftertouch Curve
Values Default Power Off Reset
1-8 1 stored default
Sets how Aftertouch on any key affects volume or tone. This affects MIDI OUT data, but not MIDI IN. The Default value is loaded when you "Load Combi/Prog" (Global Mode, Page 7, Line 1).

Aftertouch Details
Aftertouch is how hard you press on a key after it is all the way down.

The 01 has a strip of pressure sensitive material running the length of the keyboard. All keys press on this same strip, so it will respond to the key that is being pressed the hardest. This type of Aftertouch, where all keys share a common sensor, is called Channel Aftertouch. (Another type of Aftertouch, Polyphonic Aftertouch, uses a separate sensor for each key. The 01 only responds to Channel Aftertouch.)

Aftertouch generates a constant stream of MIDI messages containing the current pressure value. This can fill sequencer memory and/or slow MIDI message transfers over the MIDI cable. If you don't need Aftertouch data, turn off Aftertouch MIDI messages using the MIDI filter on Global Mode Page 0.

Service Details
The sensor circuit is located on a small PC board. (see
http://www.hajo.kessener.net/01w/big/5.jpg) A 3-pin connector connects the sensor to the circuit (pin 3 is ground). The circuit is based on a dual op-amp (type 4558? - ink is blurred on my schematic).

There are two screwdriver-adjustable pots on this board. They may be white, and one may be marked "gain adj.".

The input to the circuit (op-amp pins 5,6,7) is an integrator where the sensor is in parallel with an R (150 ohm) and C (0.1 uf) between pins 6 and 7. The output of this integrator has a 50K pot associated with it.

The second stage appears to be a different type of integrator (I'm a digital guy), this one with a 100K pot in the feedback loop (which also contains a diode).

Technically, these two pots (these may be 8-turn pots) set offset and sensitivity. The manual shows no objective was to set these (by using a voltmeter, for example), so you adjust them by ear and personal preference. What you hear depends on what Aftertouch is set to control.

One user using Aftertouch to control bend said one pot controls range of bend (this needs to "match the internal setting [-12 etc.]"), the other pot "is like a depth control".

Values Default Power Off Reset
OFF/ON OFF stored default
When set to ON, you cannot write to that section of memory (Program, Combination, or Sequence).

top of page.

Page 5 : Card Load Page 6 : Card Save
Load Combi/Prog 
Load All Sequence 
Load 1 Combi 
Load 1 Prog 
Load 1 Drum Kit 
Load 1 Song 
Load 1 Pattern
Save Combi/Prog 
Save All Sequence
These operations access a Korg "SRC-512" Memory Card RAM (512K bits) that plugs in the PROG/SEQ DATA slot in the back panel. This card is mainly for 01s without a floppy disk drive, because the floppy will hold all the data that goes into this card plus much more.
Contents of SRC-512 and FDD Compared
SRC-512 Floppy Disk Drive
Combinations 200 400 (200 in each File)
Programs 200 400 (200 in each File)
Drum Kits 4 8 (4 in each File)
Global parameters 1 set 2 sets (1 in each File)
Sequence data 7,000 steps 96,000 steps (48,000 in each File)
MIDI data none 64K bytes in each File

One Bank (A, B, C, or D) requires 256K bits of data. Since this card has 512K bits, it can hold two Banks. The card always holds Banks C and D. The card cannot hold both Sequence data and other data. It can hold either Combi/Prog/Drum/Global data, or Sequence data. It can't save MIDI data at all.

The card is accessed differently depending on which mode you're in. In Prog or Combi Mode, you press BANK until you see Bank C, which will be the RAM card. In SEQuencer Mode, you cannot access the RAM card directly. You must copy Progs or Combis from the card to Bank A or Bank B before you can use them in a sequence.

The card can hold 7,000 steps (MIDI events). On an 01 with a floppy (48,000 step memory), this is "86% Free" or higher (displayed in SEQ Mode, Page 0, top line while playing any sequence).

This card is powered by a battery, type CR2016, which must be installed for the card to save data. This is a common battery that costs about US$3. I've seen them at Radio Shack. [02Apr14] This is one of those round, thin lithium 3-volt batteries. One technician said batteries are shipped measuring 3.2 volts and are considered dead at 2.8v.

If the battery is ever removed (or dies), the data will be lost. To change the battery without losing data, the card must be plugged into the 01 and the the power turned on to the 01 - the card will then get power from the 01 and data will not be lost when the battery is removed. For maximum battery life, keep the card (and spare batteries) cool or cold. Don't keep the card/batteries in a warm (40 degrees C / 104 degrees F or higher) place.

There is a Write Protect switch that must be "OFF" before you can change the data in the card.

256K RAM Card
It has been reported that the 256K RAM card made for the Korg 03R/W works with the 01. The part number may be MCR-03. The only difference is it works only as Bank C, not C and D. Reports are that a new or empty card must be formatted in GLOBAL Mode, but formatting may be automatic when you use GLOBAL Mode, Page 6, Line 1 or 2.

top of page.

Page 7 : Pre-Load
Load Combi/Prog 
Load 1 Combi 
Load 1 Prog 
Load 1 Drum Kit
These operations copy data from the factory-installed ROMs into Active Memory. You cannot do these if memory is protected on Global Mode, Page 4, bottom line.

Permanent copies of the factory settings are kept in ROM. These copies cannot changed or lost (by turning off power or a dead battery) unless the ROM parts are somehow damaged.

Your 01 uses Programs, Combinations, and Drum Kits that are stored in what is called "Active Memory". Whenever you edit a Prog/Combi/Kit, you are modifying Active Memory. Whenever you load Progs/Combis/Kits off a floppy disk, you are transferring data from disk to Active Memory. When you Pre-Load any of these options on Page 7, you are transferring data from ROM to Active Memory.

When you modify Active Memory, the previous contents are lost. If you want to save anything, save it to disk (DISK Mode, Page 2), or over MIDI (SysEx Data Dump) to another storage device, before doing any loads or edits.

How to Re-Load All Combi/Prog/Kit Factory Settings
(from page 126 of the Percussion Manual)

The steps below will re-install the factory settings. Note you can re-load these settings at any time without re-initializing the entire 01/W.

How to Re-Load All Combi/Prog/Kit Factory Settings
1 Press GLOBAL to enter Global Mode.
2 Press "7" to go to Page 7.
3 Select "Load Combi/Prog" (on the top line).
4 Press G or H to execute the "LOAD" command. 
If you see the message "ERROR: Memory Protected": 
  a. Press "4" to go to Page 4. 
  b. Go to the bottom line ("Protect"). 
  c. Change the settings to show "Prog:OFF" and "Combi:OFF". 
    To turn Prog OFF: Press button "A", "B", "C", or "D". Press VALUE DOWN once. 
    To turn Combi OFF: Press button "E" or "F". Press VALUE DOWN once. 
  d. Go to Step 2 above.
5 The 01 will ask "Are You Sure?  Yes   No". 
    Notice that "yes" is positioned over buttons E and F. Pushing either E or F means "yes". 
    Notice that "no" is positioned over buttons G and H. Pushing either G or H means "no".
6 Push E or F. The message "Completed" should appear.
Your 01 should now be as it came from the factory.

NOTE: This process disables the 01 from receiving System Exclusive MIDI messages. To receive SysEx messages, go to GLOBAL Mode, Page 0, Line 6, button F or G, and press VALUE UP one or more times to change EXCL from DIS to ENA.

How to Re-Load a Factory Setting
Follow the steps below to re-install a single Combi, Prog, or Drum Kit factory setting.

How to Re-Load a Factory Setting
1 Press GLOBAL to enter Global Mode
2 Press "7" to go to Page 7
3 Select the setting you want to load. You can load a single Combi, Prog, or Drum Kit. 
You can re-load everything, including Drum Kits, by selecting "Load Combi/Prog"
4 For loading a single Combi/Prog/Kit: 
  Press A, B, or C to highlight the "source" side of the arrow. 
  Use the VALUE Slider/Buttons or Direct Entry to select the number of the Combi/Prog/Kit you want to load from ROM. (for a list of ROM contents, click here for Progs or here for Combis). 
  Press D, E, or F to highlight the "destination" side of the arrow. 
  Use the VALUE Slider/Buttons or Direct Entry to select the location where you want to store the item in Active Memory.
5 Press G or H to execute the "LOAD" command 
If you see the message "ERROR: Memory Protected": 
  a. Press "4" to go to Page 4. 
  b. Go to the bottom line ("Protect"). 
  c. Change the setting to "Prog:OFF" or "Combi:OFF", depending on which you are trying to load. 
    To turn Prog OFF: Press button "A", "B", "C", or "D". Press VALUE DOWN once. 
    To turn Combi OFF: Press button "E" or "F". Press VALUE DOWN once. 
  d. Press "7" to return to Page 7. Go to Step 3 above.
6 Your 01 will ask "Are You Sure?  Yes   No" 
    You'll notice that "yes" is positioned over buttons E and F. Pushing either E or F means "yes" 
    You'll notice that "no" is positioned over buttons G and H. Pushing either G or H means "no"
7 Push E or F
Your 01 setting should now be in the destination you selected.
top of page.

Page 8 : Data Dump
Dump Program 
Dump Combination 
Dump Drum Kit 
Dump Global 
Dump Sequence 
Dump All Data
These are all MIDI data transfers from the 01 to some external MIDI device.
Click here for details on Global Mode Page 8 operations.
top of page.

Copyright ©1998-2002 by Ken Westover at Cliff Canyon Publishing Co. All rights reserved.
This material may not be distributed without the written permission of the author.
  E-mail questions or comments to cliffcan@indra.com.
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